With over 25 years of experience, we have built a reputation as a trusted supplier of professional cleaning products.
Our extensive range of premium-quality cleaning products are designed to meet the needs of businesses in HO.RE.CA., Food Production, Offices, Janitorial Companies, Medical, Automotive, Education and Sports Sector.
Island-wide delivery and a focus on industrial-strength solutions, we are committed to helping you maintain a clean and safe environment.

Most Popular

Catering and Food Establishments
Tailor your culinary experience with our curated selection of premium supplies designed to meet the unique needs of your establishment, offering a personalized touch for restaurant owners.
If you’re unsure about which product is best for your restaurant, we are here to help guide you.
Top Recommendation FAD – Food Area Degreaser. A biocidal multipurpose degreaser and sanitizer is a must for all catering and food product establishments. 2 in 1 product, cleans and disinfects.
Paper Products
Since 2007, our range of Industrie Celtex products at ChemClean has been more than special – it’s your go-to for real, effective cleaning.
All products from Industrie Celtex are meticulously crafted to serve a crucial purpose: enhancing hygiene and the daily well-being of individuals while ensuring the cleanliness of public including work areas and domestic spaces.

What we recommend Celtex Paper. Reinforces extra-durable teeth for effortless tear-off, ensuring you always have paper at your fingertips
without any waste.

Housekeeping and Washroom
Introducing our premium line of housekeeping and washroom cleaning supplies designed to effortlessly transform your surroundings.
We understand the importance of maintaining a clean and inviting space, and our carefully curated selection of top-notch products is here to help you achieve just that.
Imagine pristine restrooms and spotless living spaces, all made possible with our high-quality cleaning solutions. From powerful disinfectants to specialized surface cleaners, our products are formulated to tackle dirt and grime effectively, leaving your business sparkling clean.
Top Recommendation Bacticlean / Bactericidal Cleaner & Sanitizer for Hard Surfaces. Effectively removing fats, dirt, grease and grime, leaving
a pleasant and long-lasting fragrance.
Important Numbers

Years of experience

Number of satisfied customers

Number of Products