Fabrique Perfumed

Upholstery and Carpet Shampoo

SKU: 1609-1 Categories: ,


Fabrique cleans, deodorises and perfumes all in one.


Fabrique Perfumed it contains extra perfume to impart a freshly cleaned fragrance to the carpets or upholstery. The fragrance is floral. Fabrique Perfumed is a low foaming concentrated detergent for cleaning carpets and upholstery. It can be used in carpet cleaning machines or by manual methods using brush or sponge.
Fabrique Perfumed is harmless to most delicate colours.
Fabrique Perfumed effectively cleans wool, nylon, acrylic and other types of carpet fibres, and helps to restore the original colour. It is also excellent for upholstery.

Penetrates deep into fabric pile
• Anti-static; inhibits re-soiling
• Suspends dirt and grit
• No sticky residue remains to attract soil and dirt
• Suitable for spot cleaning

  • Manual with brush or sponge
20:1 with water
  • Carpet cleaning machine
20:1 with water,  preferably  warm


  • 5ltr plastic container